Saturday, September 24, 2011

24. Rhetoric

I always thought rhetoric was meant to confuse you.. it's weird how it actually means something else. So it's like persuasive writing, right? Meant to "appeal to an audience"... I don't know, that's just what the book said. Oh by the way, that was on.. pages 1 to 6. Anyway, I guess rhetoric itself is different from rhetorical questions? Why do you even need a word for this? "Rhetoric.." It just sounds so intimidating to me. I don't like using it. Too bad I'll have to for the rest of the year. Sorry if this was off topic.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

23. Types of Writing...

So we had to read some pages in the book.. The first part was about NARRATION. I think narration is pretty easy to write because you just talk about everything that happened in chronological order and stuff like that. DESCRIPTION: Description is weird because all you do is.. describe something. Well I guess it's useful but if you wrote an entire essay just describing something I think I would get bored of it.. PROCESS ANALYSIS: So this is like writing instruction on how to do something. Easy peasy. EXEMPLIFICATION: I didn't really understand this one.. but the section talked about induction a little, which reminded me of Sherlock Holmes. I love Sherlock Holmes. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST: Comparing and contrasting confuse me sometimes. I used to think they were the same thing for some reason.. CLASSIFICATION AND DIVISION: The name of this category reminds me of taxonomy, the study of classifying and dividing in biology. DEFINITION: Writing an entire essay defining one word was funny. CAUSE AND EFFECT: I hate these. They make me think of World History. I hated World History.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I've never really enjoyed grading other students' essay because I feel like I'm not a very good grader. Even though the rubrics tell me what I should be looking for, it's kind of hard for me to follow. I can never tell exactly if they got the points or not, and I just think I’m an unfair grader. So that’s why I get worried about grading papers. I always feel like I’m doing it inaccurately. But I was actually pretty proud of myself today! I gave that essay a four, and so did those professional people who score AP tests! Pretty impressive, eh? I feel like such a pro.