Saturday, September 17, 2011

23. Types of Writing...

So we had to read some pages in the book.. The first part was about NARRATION. I think narration is pretty easy to write because you just talk about everything that happened in chronological order and stuff like that. DESCRIPTION: Description is weird because all you do is.. describe something. Well I guess it's useful but if you wrote an entire essay just describing something I think I would get bored of it.. PROCESS ANALYSIS: So this is like writing instruction on how to do something. Easy peasy. EXEMPLIFICATION: I didn't really understand this one.. but the section talked about induction a little, which reminded me of Sherlock Holmes. I love Sherlock Holmes. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST: Comparing and contrasting confuse me sometimes. I used to think they were the same thing for some reason.. CLASSIFICATION AND DIVISION: The name of this category reminds me of taxonomy, the study of classifying and dividing in biology. DEFINITION: Writing an entire essay defining one word was funny. CAUSE AND EFFECT: I hate these. They make me think of World History. I hated World History.

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