Thursday, August 4, 2011


So I still never got the time to read any of the millions of books on my bookshelf that have been patiently waiting for me all these years. I am such a negectful book owner. Anyway, I did find a wee smidgeon of time to read a bit more of On Writing a few days ago while I was waiting at the orthodontist. I only read about 5 pages, but I think that's enough for me to comment on. Anywho, I thought it was hilarious how King never even thought about all those copyright issues when he decided to write his "novel version" of The Pit and the Pendulum. I thought it was even more hilaious when he named his publishing house V.I.B., A Very Good Book. Also, it's a good thing he didn't listen to his teacher and stop writing "trash," or else we never would have been exposed to the wonderful world of Stephen King stories. Well that's about all I have to say at the moment. But if you're wondering what's been going on in my super exciting life, I've had a pretty good week so far. I got my braces removed on Monday, finally after a horrendous 3 years and 352 days. Then the day after, I finally got my permit, on the 6 month anniversary of the first time I failed the test. Hurrah!

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