Wednesday, August 31, 2011

21. (does this have to be numbered?) WRITING ABOUT WRITING

So today I had to write about my "skills" as a writer. I'm not a very good writer, so obviously that essay was difficult for me to write. What I really hated was how much I had to use the word "write" and all other forms of it. It made the whole thing sound so repetitive. That essay forced me to overuse the word so don't blame me for not being able to find a proper synonym. Anyway, I GUESS I wrote about my "strength and weaknesses," but honestly I feel like I was just rambling on about my narcissism and fail skills as a writer. So I just spent a minute counting the words, and before this sentence I had 106. I hope this blog doesn’t have to be “quality writing,” because I feel like being too serious and academic would ruin the nature of blogs. They’re supposed to be fun, right? Or at least a bit enjoyable, for the reader AND the writer. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

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