Sunday, August 21, 2011


I am so hungry right now but it's 11 pm and I can't go and get food. I need to start storing candy in my room again. Anyway, I'm back to reading How to Read Literature Like a Professor. And I'm almost done, I swear I am THIS close! So today, I learned that geography and seasons and pretty important in literature. I understood how "geography matters" but it's weird how even the HEIGHT of geographical features have some hidden meaning! And apparently, the south is pretty crazy because characters only go there so crazy things can happen. I wonder how Southerners feel about that.. Anywho, seasons play an important role in stories and poems by giving them a setting. It's pretty much the same as weather though, right? Well for the most part. And now, I shall end this post on the Interlude. Didn't he already say something about that "one story" stuff? How very repetitive. I got a little frustrated again. Alrighty then, well this is the last you're ever going to see of me blogging about this book. I'm going to finish it tonight, though! I've already promised myself. So I would just like to apologize for not being able to lead you through my triumphant conclusion of How to Read Literature Like a Professor. But have no doubts on the incredibility of my ending; it's gonna be A-MAZING!

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