Sunday, August 7, 2011


That phrase was on a bookmark I bought in 7th grade. I am not the math monster cause I suck at math, though I AM hungry so I think I'll go feed myself soon. But before I go to the kitchen, I'll share some thoughts about what I read earlier. So yesterday (technically), I got up early to go fishing in Sacramento. While we were patiently waiting for the salmon that never bit, I had some time to read On Writing. So first, I would just like to say how amazing it is that the prices on EVERYTHING have changed so dramatically! (I still don't quite understand inflation, but I'll learn that in Econ, right?) I was so [I can't think of another word for] amazed when King said that one of his stories got him $60,000, and that was as much as he usually earned in four years! I'm pretty sure that the average family of four today could not survive for even ONE year with $60,000. But what was even MORE amazing is that his novel, Carrie, made $400,000, and he got half of that! That's still A LOT of money today, so I understand why his wife started crying when he told her that they were officially rich. Writing is quite the lucrative business! What else.. Oh, I found it very interesting how he dedicated entire chapters to his alcoholism and drug abuse. It seems like all writers go through similar problems.. (the "Hemingway Defense") but maybe I've just read too many Stephen King stories. His characters are always messed up writers.
P.S. Like how I actually talked about the book? I feel like I didn't go TOO off topic this time. If you agree, we have my friend to thank; she's the one who told me how random my posts were. You know who you are, Friend!

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