Friday, August 19, 2011


This post isn't going to be very long (fortunately for you) because for some reason I didn't get to read much today, and I am very sleepy at the moment. Also, my allergies have been being super frustrating recently or this weird weather is making me sick or something and sleeping usually helps with that kind of stuff. Anywho, as of now, I'm on the chapter about baptism. Here's what I've read: Apparently, almost drowning ALWAYS has more than the two obvious choices as to its symbolic meaning. He used the word "apothegms" in the beginning of the chapter. I kind of understand what it means, but I have no idea how to pronounce it. I like how he says suicide could be called "death by misadventure;" while suicide will always be a horrible thing, this phrase would make it seem more.. interesting.. at least if I WAS a detective trying to solve the crime. Wow this is actually kind of long. I'm sorry. Okay just one more thing: I thought it was contradictory of him to say "'Always' and 'never' aren't good words in literary studies." He uses those words quite frequently. Just saying.

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