Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I swear I'm not trying to do this last minute, I'm just.. well yeah I guess I am. But only so my last post (of the "summer") was posted on the last day. My blog's super cool like that. So anyway, I'm gonna talk about On Writing. I learned that the passive voice is unnecessary. I do agree that sometimes sentences sound weird when you rearrange them and stuff, but sometimes it sounds prettybfancy, which I actually like. Oh by the way, Stephen King must be a pretty intense writer to be "convinced that fear is at the root of most bad writing." Is he saying he's scared of bad writing? After all the horrible stuff that happened in his childhood, it's almost suprising that this is what he's afraid of. Another thing, I am with him 100% when he says that informal essays are a huge waste of time. Because they are. No need to elaborate. Well, that's all on this book for now. Sorry to be the disappointment that I am. And I'm sorry to have put you through this the entire summer. But now I apologize for having to continue my ramblings throughout the school year. I hope you make it out alive!

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