Thursday, August 18, 2011


This book seems to go on forever! IT NEVER ENDS. I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in 4 days but How to Read Literature Like a Professor has taken me almost three months. I planned to finish it tonight, but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen. I suck at planning! Anyway, since last night, I've read enough to talk about. Regarding the chapter about Christ figures.. it seems like you have to know simply EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING to read literature like a professor! You must be familiar with religion, politics, history.. too much! And apparently if you DON'T know these things, you won't get a "full understanding" of the text you're reading. Now the chapter about flying: I already found a crossover to my history class! It doesn't really have anything to do with history, but the author was kind of comparing Superman and Batman, and today in APUSH we had to write a thesis comparing and contrasting Superman and Batman movies! AMAZING. Later on in the book, I saw that he mentioned Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I was reading that last year during SSR! I never got to finish it, and I was hoping to this year. But I probably won't get the chance. Well I think that's all I have to say for now. I've still got an insignificantly significant portion of this book to read.

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