Thursday, December 8, 2011

27. EXTRA CREDIT post #1

I hope we don't need creative titles for our blog posts.. anyway, today I shall talk about what I've been doing for the past few months (that's associated to reading/writing). I think in 6 of these 10 posts, I'll talk about each of my classes. So.. I've been getting better at history essays! I think I actually have a chance at the APUSH exam.. That's the one I'm MOST hoping to pass, because I'm actually doing pretty well in history. I actually got an 8 on one of my essays. MY FIRST 8 IN ANY ESSAY EVER. That was such an exciting moment! DBQs aren't really my thing, but I really hope I improve by May. I NEED TO PASS THAT TEST. I got a 2 on my APWH exam last May and I felt like I wasted a year of my life struggling in a college class, because now I have to take it again in college.

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