Thursday, December 8, 2011

29. EXTRA CREDIT post #3

French III! So in French, we don't do THAT much writing, but we do significantly more than we did last year. We have to write journal entires in French, which is pretty difficult! I'm not very good with grammar. It's so hard to remember everything I've learned throughout the past three years! AND I'VE LEARNED A LOT. There's so much to know.. Whenever we do those journals, I never get a completely perfect score. I always make some mistakes about conjugations, or tenses, or agreement.. MUCH TOO MUCH TO KNOW! But I can only imagine what it's like for people trying to learn English. I heard English is one of the most difficult languages to learn. And it seems to be, because there is so much MORE to know when you really think about it and compare it to other languages.

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