Thursday, December 8, 2011

33. EXTRA CREDIT post #7

I cannot think of anything else to talk about. At the moment, I don't have a reading/writing life. I don't even have a life. I recently got obsessed with this one band and now they're all I think about. This is getting kind of personal so I'll stop there.. but if any teachers have been wondering why I zone out so much during class, that's why. I'M ALWAYS DAYDREAMING. Then when I actually fall asleep in class, I DREAM. And I have such wonderful dreams.. My friends are even thinking about writing a fanfiction sometime (I guess this has to do with writing). Goodness gracious, we're such fangirls. Anyway, to keep this more on topic, I will admit that I have been reading fanfictions. I HOLD NO SHAME, NO REGRETS. 

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