Thursday, December 8, 2011

32. EXTRA CREDIT post #6

I really wish Winter Break was longer! I have so much to do.. and we only have two weeks! The first week includes Christmas in the first few days, then I'm going to Reno, then coming back for more partying on New Year's Eve. Then for the second week, I'm planning do that SAT online practice stuff. BUT THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO! Like I said in the last post, I really want to read my books.. I also want to finally get back to this story I've been writing! I started it about two years ago I think, and it's far from finished. But I'm not even sure how far I'm planning to go with it.. For all I know, it might even turn out to be an entire novel someday. IF I ever do get the time to work on it. Besides that story, there's so many others that I have in my head that I just need to write down before I forget them! But when I write stories, I always want them to be as detailed as possible. I can never leave them at their simplest. So of course, even the shortest story I write will be pretty long.

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