Thursday, June 16, 2011


I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE HARRY POTTER OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS. Anywho, I'm still reading On Writing. It's pretty entertaining reading about Stephen King's childhood. I found another thing we have in common: I love movies too! If I could go back in time, I would probably go to the 50s. I would have loved to go to the movies and see a "Poepicture!" I know I've seen remakes, but I don't think I've watched many of those originals from the 60s. I love the genre: scifi and horror and stuff like that, and anything related to Edgar Allan Poe I'll probably like. Anyway, I was a little surprised when he said he didn't like Disney movies. Well I suppose I wasn't THAT surprised, knowing the kind of stuff that he writes, but.. everyone loves Disney! "Snow White and the Seven Goddam Dwarves"... well I don't really like Snow White too much either. I guess it wasn't his fault that the first Disney movies he was exposed to weren't the best. Okay I don't know if I'm defending Disney or attacking it, so I'll stop now. Oh, you know what my favorite line from a movie based on a Stephen King story is? "Oh Billy! I think i just turned my Fruit-of-the-Looms into a fudge factory! Oh Billy!!" -Stand By Me

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