Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Bang! How many people are dead? Ohh, I love that game. I just recently learned it. You know what else I recently learned? The word "metonymy." How to Read Literature Like a Professor has gotten a lot more intersting now that it's moved on from all that talk about symbolism and rhetoric. I'm sure I'll read more about that stuff later on, but for now, I'm enjoying the show. Anyways, I've learned quite a lot so far. I've learned that sonnets are square and that Shakespeare is the most influential man in literature. INTERESTING STUFF, THERE. INTERSTING STUFF. I keep spelling the word "interesting" wrong. I always forget the other E. Anywho, I just ate my last green velvet cupcake. I made 30 on Sunday. I didn't eat ALL of them by myself (I gave away 12), but 18 cupcakes in 4 days isn't the best kind of diet a person could be on. I'm going to gain like, 20 pounds this summer. Another random fact: I'm wearing my PE clothes as pajamas. Yay for no PE! But that's probably another reason I'm going to continue gaining weight next school year. Goodness gravy. 

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