Friday, June 10, 2011


So I started reading Into the Wild. I was so confused! I know the guy's name is Christopher so I kept wondering who this Alex guy was. I had to read like, 3 chapters before I figured out that CHRISTOPHER was just telling people his name was ALEX. I hope that's what's going on. I'm right.. right? If I'm not, then I'm going to feel really stupid when I find out what's actually happening. Anywho, yesterday was Johnny Depp's birthday! I was planning to have myself a little movie marathon, but sadly, that didn't happen. HOW UNFORTUNATE! Anywhat, I went to the sale at Bath and Body Works and got A LOT of lotion. Like.. 5 bottles. And more stuff too! THEY SMELL SO GOOD. OH MY. Anywhy, the blister on my hand popped today. It's pretty gross and it hurts. But I've had that thing for months so it better heal already!

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