Thursday, June 23, 2011


That was on the first page of On Writing. So even though I agree, I would like to make one tiny confession: I haven't finished reading ANY of those books yet. Ohh, aren't I hilarious. Well you see, before summer started, I arranged myself a carefully scheduled calendar. And if I consistently follow that schedule, I should be done with all my summer work by the middle of July. BUT I seem to have underestimated my amazing ability to procrastinate. I tried to stay on schedule as best as I possibly could, so even when I didn't finish a book by the assigned date, I started another book anyway. Goodness gravy I should be done with all of them by now and outlining Chapter 3 of APUSH, but I'm procrastinating on that too. SO I think I'll start.. finishing How to Read Literature Like a Professor now. P.S. I was never even lying in the first place. Withholding information is not the same as being dishonest. 

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