Monday, June 6, 2011


I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. And my parents are always bothering me about it, because I'm a junior and it's almost time for me to go to college and I need to start thinking about my future and whatnot. I'm still unsure. But one thing I'm sure I do NOT want to be is a literary professor. No offense to English teachers or anything, but sorry.. I'm simply not a very big fan of this particular job. It's a little too much work for me, a little too much thinking. (I must sound like a pretty lazy person. I admit, I AM a bit of a procrastinator, and I know that statement doesn't make the best first impressions, but trust me, I always try my best! Okay, I'm rambling again.) At least, that's what this book has shown me. How to Read Literature Like a Professor.. interesting book; I'm halfway through. But I'm just saying, I don't necessarily agree with each and every concept presented. TOO MUCH SYMBOLISM. TOO MANY PATTERNS. I am yet to analyze a novel myself and already I am thoroughly confused. I know the class will teach me plenty more about reading, and I might even want to pursue a career in literature someday, but right now, I already know that as an adult, I will not voluntarily choose to read literature like a professor.

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