Wednesday, June 29, 2011


SO TECHNICALLY breaking promises is not the same as lying either. Yes, I still haven't continued reading. I TRIED to finish On Writing yesterday, but I was actually quite busy doing my APUSH outlines, which I am also behind on. So my history book is what I've been reading for the past few days, and I've learned a lot. I also finally memorized the original thirteen colonies. (I swear I really did memorize them but actually listing them here would take too much space and you probably wouldn't believe me anyway cause I still could've looked in the book or something.) Anywho, another reason I was quite busy is because I was in Napa yesterday. I was SUPPOSED to go hot-air ballooning this morning but the darn unusual weather "did not permit!" So that sucked. What a waste of waking up at 4am! And yet another reason to call me a liar because I already told everyone I would be on a hot-air balloon today and that is not true at all. At least it wasn't my fault, but yeah.. darn these few days of weird summer rain! 

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